Employee Service

This service enables you to manage Employee 201 profiles across the whole Sprout Ecosystem via API.

Along with your clientId and secret need for the authorization service, Sprout will provide a non-production account with Sprout HR and/or Payroll upon request.

You may verify the Employee 201 updates either via the GET Employee API or by checking the respective app UI itself.


If you have integrations enabled for other apps within the system (eg. Sprout Payroll, Performance+), the Employee Service triggers a one way sync from HR to these systems that are integrated so that Employee Profile changes cascaded automatically.

Sprout HR is required to be able to access the Employee Service.

Additional references for the available integrations:

Sprout Payroll https://sprout.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/360030920833-Employee-Profile-Syncing-on-Sprout-HR-and-Payroll

Performance+ https://sprout.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/9742689286169-Performance-Employee-Syncing

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